Just Do It!!

Just Do It!!

Honeyyyyyyyyy! First, Howwwwwwww y’all doing?! The Rona (Coronavirus) has majority of us social distancing, resisting the urge to download Tik Tok, cackling at memes, stressed about finances, and some are still resuming our normal schedules & working. Take a deep breath from the mini panic attacks you’ve probably experienced from all the stress these past weeks. We’ll be talking more about Rona later this week. Anyways, I’m calling this blog post my 1.5 post because I feel like this ties into my intro as well.

Thank you to everyone who has shared, commented, and uplifted me since the launch of this blog! My heart is so full!!

Can we talk about how HARD it is to START? And when I say start, I mean any goal or aspiration you have been procrastinating with. I must say personally, starting this blog has been difficult and I’ll tell you why:

  • comparing myself to other bloggers content creators
  • lacking the confidence that anyone would be interested in my content
  • doubting that I would be able to commit with engagement
  • waiting for the “right moment”

My anxiety was at an all time high!! I let small details consume my thoughts and lost track of the bigger picture. It became so debilitating that I ceased all progress with my blog. I was TRIPPING OK! The reassurance from my friends is really what kept me going. #SOLID

Social Media has been a blessing and a curse during this process and I’m pretty sure many of you can relate. It can motivate or demotivate you towards your goals based on other individuals’ progress you see on these apps. Flip that hesitancy and use social media to your advantage by:

  • reaching out to an expert in your desired field for advice
  • researching different styles/concepts to achieve your goal
  • polling your followers for advice and ideas
  • following & engaging with accounts with similar interests

STARTING has been one of the best moves I could have done. Not thinking about what anyone else has to say has been more than rewarding! Like my shirt says, BOSS BLACK WOMAN! I had to pull up my big girl pants and do this for me! S/O to all my friends and family that have supported me to this point! From accompanying me to shoots in booty shivering weather to helping with decide on a font for the blog. Special Thanks to my photographer Tyler & graphic designer TaiWAgency ! My next major goal is embarking on travel nursing by the Fall! I started by not renewing my apartment lease and slowly moving my belongings into a storage unit at my mom’s . Things are getting REAL!! Also, pray for ya girl because I have not lived with my mom since 2012! Whewwww Chile, I can hear all the black mom quotes from middle school resurfacing.

What are some goals you have started for 2020? What are some goals you’ve been placing on the back-burner ? Talk to me below!!

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.

— Oscar Wilde.

Shirt: Ardhi Apparel Photos: Tyler Lyles

17 thoughts on “Just Do It!!

  1. Great post! Really enjoyed the subject matter. Starting is challenging, but once you do you’re already taken a step. Take it day by day! You got this. ❤️


  2. Awesome, work Sis!!!

    Ughhh, that starting point is the absolute hardest part! I have soooo many goals set and plan to accomplish at least 90% of them. To start, I am going to Real Estate school to become a Realtor and learn some techniques for investing and I am VERY focused on becoming a homeowner in 2020 🎉🎉🎉

    With prayer and sacrifice, my mission will be accomplished 🙌🙏🏽💪


  3. This was an amazing read sis! Thank you for being vulnerable with us because those self-limiting beliefs are something serious but once we get out of our head, it’s honestly nothing we can’t do!!!!!


  4. This year is my year to put all my financial aspirations in motion. I have to purchase my business license pretty soon. I plan to start a vending machine business with my BFF. I’m working towards getting my first property. I have started getting thing in order so that I can start my foundation and give back to my community in a form of scholarships and advice. As I make more money, I was to give more. I try to do some type of give away monthly. I am investing more because my ultimate goal is to have totally passive income by 30. I want to work for someone else by choice and not by force. I plan to continuously work on myself and relationships that I deem valuable. I plan to get more consistent with the content that Deondra and I post on our couple’s page. We’re starting our youtube this week.


    1. Shai!!! I am so freaking proud of you! I definitely think you should share your experience on how you become financial free! That in itself is giving back! Starting a business, investing, and creating a scholarship are awesome ideas! I’m pretty sure it’s someone out here that could use the advice and motivation including me!!! Even if it’s just tips or a talking segment on your IG/FB story! Love to see it! I’m excited to see your journey sis!! Let’s get it!!!


  5. Well I must say this was a really great read. You have my mind tapping back into the fact that I need to be myself, regardless of what that might look like to others. So thanks! 🤗


  6. I needed to read this today!! I’ve been considering how I could have more of an online presence and put my thoughts out into the world, so I also decided that I wanted to start a blog. I’ve been hesitant to do it because of all the things you mentioned about, but especially because I’m afraid no one will give af about what I have to say lol and I’m comparing myself to others constantly. I decided that I was just going to do some writing today, but I decided to procrastinate and come read your blog lol. But I’m glad that I did because it really inspired me to just go ahead and do what I want to do. So thank you for being willing to be honest and put yourself out there. You’re helping me accomplish my goals!!


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